FVU-eng trinplacering 2-3

Her er et eksempel på materiale, der er beregnet til at trinplacere mellem trin 2 og 3.

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A work related mail

Læs mailen, og udfør opgaverne i Task 1 og Task 2

Recipient: All employees at TKB, Copenhagen

Subject: Invitation to join us for lunch or dinner

To all our employees in Copenhagen,

We are very happy to announce that we will be offering a delicious and nutritious hot meal every day to all our employees starting May 1st.

We hope that you will be joining us for good food and great company!

We will be seeing you in the cafeteria,

The Management


The meals will be available in the cafeteria twice a day at 12-1 PM and at 6-7 PM.

That means that employees from both day and night shifts can get a hot meal at work


The meals will be varied and acceptable to all - vegans, vegetarians and meat-eaters


The kitchen will be sending out menues for ’Next weeks meals’ every Monday.

Just sign up for the meals on a weekly basis, and tick off the days and meal types you want.


The price will be 40 kr. for a meal – a real deal!


Who does what?

Match the four actions with the two groups.

Sæt kryds ved den rigtige personalegruppe:

The employees

The kitchen staff



will be in charge of the meals


must pay for every meal they want


need to sign up for the meals they want


will be sending out menues every week


Are these statements true or false?

Sæt kryds i tabellen for rigtigt og forkert:







Three meals will be served every day



The food will be served in the offices



All the meals will be hot



The meals are free for the employees



The company has only one shift



The employees can sign up for the meals on a weekly basis



There will be dishes both with and without meat



The new meal arrangement will start in May


Talk with your teacher

Food at work

What is the set-up for eating at your job?

– for example:

-is there a place where you can eat, for example a cafeteria

- do you bring your own food…

A text-message

Du skal kun skrive én tekst: Vælg opgave A eller B

Opgave A

Skriv en sms til din kollega og fortæl at du tager frokost med til jer begge dagen efter, så din kollega behøver ikke forberede noget.

Opgave B

Skriv en sms til din chef, og fortæl at du er forsinket, hvorfor og hvornår du regner med at komme.


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